Amy Galvin

Chief Culture Officer & Co-Founder


About Amy Galvin

Amy Galvin is the Co-Founder and Chief Culture Officer of Luxury Living, where she actively pours her heart, empathy, and humanity into the company. Her goal is to create a workplace where team members understand how their work contributes to the company’s greater good, enjoy collaborating, and thrive personally and professionally.

Amy serves as a leader in the Culture Operations Department which focuses on workplace culture, diversity, inclusion, talent strategy, and team member growth. She also supports organization-wide alignment, harmony, and impact.

Amy is a certified professional coach and trained facilitator of The Fair Play Method. She is passionate about women’s equality and advocates for women through coaching, mentorship, speaking engagements, and published writings.

License No. 471018562

First Chicago Apartment

A studio at Oak and Rush Streets.

Favorite Thing About Chicago

The incredible restaurants.

Quote to Live By

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. –
Maya Angelou

Luxury Living Reviews