Moving to Chicago: Consider a Neighborhood’s Past & Present

When moving to Chicago, deciding which neighborhood to live in is a tall task. When looking for apartments in the best neighborhoods in Chicago, you should consider the neighborhood’s past, present, and future.
My personal search for an apartment began prior to relocating to Chicago in June 2014. Initially, I found it hard to grasp exactly how different each neighborhood is and how their histories varied.
Before my move from Indiana, where I attended grad school, my housing choices were based on where my friends lived and price. Using these simple criteria when moving to Chicago, I was destined to reside in Lincoln Park or Lakeview. I thought it wouldn’t matter which neighborhood I lived in as long people I knew lived close.
I came here believing not much variation existed between the best neighborhoods in Chicago, but that’s not true. After some initial exploration, I quickly discovered each neighborhood stands for something unique; each has its own landmarks, personality, and sense of place.
When exploring residential neighborhoods such as Old Town, Gold Coast, Lakeview and Lincoln Park, it’s clear they have been established for quite some time. Streets are blanketed by old trees and quaint pedestrian walkways make for a smooth mental transition to Chicago city-life. Beautification techniques used in older neighborhoods do not have the same sense of place as areas which have seen – and are seeing – modern investment on a large scale. In areas such as the South Loop, River North, and West Loop, residents and visitors appreciate these neighborhoods’ for their continuing growth and development.
When moving to Chicago, you should consider whether you want a neighborhood that has a strong residential history but features older properties. Or do you want to reside in an upcoming area, featuring newer developments, where history is currently being written?
To be within a community actively rebranding their image is a unique opportunity and an experience to consider.
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